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Social Work Doctoral Candidate

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Social Work Doctoral Candidate
“'Through a Foucauldian Lens: A Genealogy of Child Abuse' focuses on the philosophy of Michel Foucault which would render child abuse as a socially constructed idea. Foucault suggests a relationship between power and knowledge that may allow for discussion about the forms of child abuse and retaliation against child abuse without reducing the significance and reality of the suffering that results from abuse. Child protective services and state welfare movements have a history that outlines the development of child protection services in North America. However, societal beliefs about abusers have been suggested and shaped by scientific epistemology and medical discourse about child abuse. Foucauldian philosophy suggests that power comes from psychological manipulation; this idea can be used to highlight the effect of philosophical thinking surrounding child abuse on legislation and actions taken for prevention efforts."
Study Breaks: Book Review

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Study Breaks: Book Review
"Bradford introduces his book with the unnamed protagonist describing various roommates he has experienced...Rather than despising these roommates that make his life harder, the narrator highlights the good and the bad, the difficulties and the pay-off for dealing with these larger-than-life characters.This resulting complexity keeps readers hooked because right when you’re prepared to write-off a character, they redeem themselves, and as soon as you begin to root for another character, they surprise you with another secret or crazy habit. Isn’t this complicated narrative really what life with a roommate feels like?
Bradford has a knack for describing the charming faults and quirks of others, but he also doesn’t shy away from revealing the protagonist’s own mistakes and uncertainties. Despite the outrageous nature of some of these stories, this honest attitude reels in all the crazy and reminds audiences that each person has a part in his or her crazy situation, even when they feel like the only “normal” person."
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Article Excerpt:
Nature/Spiritual Memoir Piece

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Nature/Spiritual Memoir Piece
"The sky began to waver in its piercing rays, simmering to a soft glow as our hiking group cut down branches and stepped over cacti. We finally arrived to the top of the mountain and beheld a breathtaking view. Mountains surrounded us all around, sprinkled with houses hidden in the trees that decorated the landscape by the thousands. We spread blankets all over the top of the mountain, and as the sun finally dropped below the horizon and the sky faded into a navy blue, we searched eagerly, anticipating the appearance of even just a few twinkling stars. A friend of mine sat in front of me, leaning his head on my leg and we chatted quietly and looked up at the sky. It was intimate. It was close. The anxiety of the night hike started to ease and my muscles relaxed. I leaned my hands behind me on the grass and stretched my back and shoulders. I imagined leaving our comfortable spot on the hill and heading back to our warm, lit house and sleeping in peace."
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Memoir Excerpt:
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